
SWART is SoftWare Analysis and Reverse engineering Tool, created for static code analysis, data visualization and reporting in embedded systems.

SWART combines software architecture, memory map and compilation artifact (Executable and Linkable Format) into one snapshot, to help you with:

Memory Analysis

After each build SWART analyses and combines software architecture, memory map and compilation artifact (Executable and Linkable Format .elf file) into one snapshot, which contains information about memory usages in your embedded system.


Each snapshot containing tens of thousands of objects is stored to produce comprehensive reports including assessment of embedded system performance, comparative reports between two snapshots, trend reports and custom tailored.

Function’s Call Tree Analysis and Visualization

With visualization of a function’s call tree, developers can easily follow how code is being executed, which speeds up code evaluation and helps with debugging.

3D overview of memory usages over Project Architecture

In SWART, embedded systems are represented as 3D visual map where each cube symbolizes one component. With this feature developers can quickly overview memory usage of components in a project.

Detailed information of all objects within Component

SWART groups functions and variables into components by rules defined in a project’s Architecture. That way full information (like starting address, size etc) regarding any object is available at your fingertip.

Support for Continuous Integration

SWART can be easily integrated in any Continuous Integration environment. We provide extensive documentation and specialists support to help you incorporate SWART in your CI process.

COSMOS – Visualization Add-On

Get amazing visual 3D representation of your embedded system.

Function’s Call Tree Analysis and Visualization
Architecture Layout
Object’s Details
Component’s Memory Layout